Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A lesson in defiance

Throughout the last few...months really, God has been challenging all my preconceived notions concerning His Word and His Ways. This radical change hinges on two contributing factors. 1) Jesus Plus Nothing Equals Everything by Tullian Tchividjian 2) Perspectives Class. Challenged by Tchividjian, I started to read Genesis. I was coming to terms not with the crazy Bible character "heroes" of Sunday School, but with the incredible way God uses messed up people to accomplish His plans.  So take that same MO and apply it to Exodus. Tonight I am reading in chapter 5. We hit the central stage: Moses' first confrontation with Pharaoh. Lets just remember, Moses comes face to face with God and is forever changed. But, he doesn't pass on his identity of God's elect to his son. God runs Moses down and in His fury is poised for the kill when Moses' wife saves His life by circumcising their son. Moses then goes to stand before Pharaoh proclaiming that The LORD, the God of Israel seeks the worship of His people. Lets remember that all the while, God's plan has been that He receive worship from every tribe, tongue, nation and people. This includes Egypt. Pharaoh stands in defiance of the Lord saying, "Who is this "god" of yours to demand something from me?"Pharaoh increases the burden on Israel which causes what? It causes them to scatter across the nation seeking grain. What good does this scattering accomplish? The name of Yahweh moves across the country rather than just being centered in the hub of Goshen. God is still accomplishing His plan through the oppression of Pharaoh. And then we come to the end of chapter 5...and Moses has the audacity to declare that God has done evil? That He sent Moses to deliver His people...and He hasn't fulfilled His end of the deal! Did we learn nothing? The God of the Universe will not bow to Pharaoh. His law is just and his purpose is sure. He will bring about the worship of His name from every ethne regardless of human dictatorship or authority. Who are we to sit back and see that circumstances have not progressed at our desired pace and call God unjust or unrighteous?
What patience from our unrelenting King. He takes into His arms people who are all-too eager to rebel and defy Him.

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